Sunday Sermon 29th March 2020
JOHN 11: 1-45 As we know, Jesus is making his way to Jerusalem, and along the way there are many encounters with those who accept him and those who reject him. But it is this encounter with his friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus which precipitates the plot against Jesus’s life. By raising Lazarus, Jesus is identified as a threat to those who hold all the power. If Jesus can raise the dead, what are they going to do about him? People are beginning to believe in Jesus because of his words and his miracles. The ra ising of Lazarus is a sign story: Jesus will act in his own time, and when he is ready. And the second sign is to reveal God to the people. What is occurring, according to Jesus, is an opportunity for God’s glory to be revealed. This is a painful passage because it depicts many raw emotions. We read it in the context of what we know will happen to Jesus – but his friends are stumbling along blindly,...