Sunday Sermon 19th July 2020
MATT 13:24-43 CCM 19/7/20 Today’s Gospel sees Jesus still in farming mode: last week we had the parable of the sower and today we have gone from the sower to the seeds, or more importantly, the weeds. This is real life for those who heard it. They know about sowing seeds and they know all about weeds which can infiltrate the crop. Jesus seems to be implying that it is sometimes difficult to tell what are weeds and what is wheat, and it is not until they are grown and ripe for harvest that the differences can be seen. Since the foundation of the church, people have been trying to discern who amongst them will produce a good harvest and who will fail, who is wheat and who are the weeds. And there has also been a desire by some parts of the church to purge what they saw as the weeds from their community. We know that Jesus was criticized for associated with people who might be the weeds of society: societ...