
Showing posts from August, 2020

Sunday Sermon 30th Aug 2020

 MATTHEW 16:13-20 RAAFA MANDURAH This is a wonderful Gospel passage. A passage which makes us think that suddenly something has changed for the disciples. Do they finally get it? It’s also a very significant event for Peter, because for the first time he understands exactly who Jesus is. Jesus is the messiah, son of the living God. And Peter is anointed as the rock on which the church is built. This is the same Peter who tried to walk on the water and failed, Peter who runs away when Jesus is arrested. But for all his failings, Peter has finally realized who Jesus is. Thankfully, just who becomes a disciple of the church does not depend on human considerations, rather on God’s divine intervention. It is God who looks into the heart. I find it a great comfort that Jesus never lost faith in his disciples even when they appeared to have let him down. So, if as I were to ask you who you believe Jesus to be, what would you say? Sometimes we are called to give an account of our faith and...

Sunday Sermon 23rd Aug 2020

 MATTHEW 16:13-20 RAAFA MANDURAH This is a wonderful Gospel passage. A passage which makes us think that suddenly something has changed for the disciples. Do they finally get it? It’s also a very significant event for Peter, because for the first time he understands exactly who Jesus is. Jesus is the messiah, son of the living God. And Peter is anointed as the rock on which the church is built. This is the same Peter who tried to walk on the water and failed, Peter who runs away when Jesus is arrested. But for all his failings, Peter has finally realized who Jesus is. Thankfully, just who becomes a disciple of the church does not depend on human considerations, rather on God’s divine intervention. It is God who looks into the heart. I find it a great comfort that Jesus never lost faith in his disciples even when they appeared to have let him down. So, if as I were to ask you who you believe Jesus to be, what would you say? Sometimes we are called to give an account of our faith and...

Sunday Sermon 16th Aug 2020

 Matt 15: 21-28 16 August 2020 There are some stories which are common to each of the Gospels but there are some events which we may only find in one Gospel. To understand why, we need to understand first of all why the Gospels were written and for whom. Matthew’s Gospel was written for a community of Jewish Christians who were struggling with their new faith and identity. They were a small community within a larger Jewish community, so any messages relating to the status of non- Jews was of special importance to them. The Jewish people had been waiting for the promised Messiah, and Matthew’s Gospel shouts that Jesus is the Messiah. That is one of the reasons why Matthew’s Gospel begins with the long and quite frankly tedious lineage of Jesus. Matthew wants everyone to understand that the Messiah is here. I must say that when I saw the Gospel passage for today, I think I groaned. For this is one of those passages which has us wondering exactly what is going on. Could Jesus really h...

Sunday Sermon 9th Aug 2020

Matthew 14: 22-36 When I meet people socially and they ask me what my work is, they are usually quite surprised when I tell them I am a priest. If they have had no connection with the church, they are usually even more surprised. It’s as if they know priests exist somewhere, but they are very surprised to actually meet one. A little bit like UFOs or aliens. And one of the things they then ask is if I have ever had a “proper job”. I don’t know if their perception is that priests are somehow hatched in middle-age, or we have spent our whole lives in cloisters and know nothing of the real world. I used to be a bank manager for one of the big banks, and I was priested alongside a lawyer, a geologist and two businessmen. So yes, I know what the real world is like. So what is it that makes us think that we can be called to serve God? For me, it is knowing that God calls us, understanding our flaws, our doubts and weaknesses, and still loves us anyway. When we read Scripture, we know that we ...