Sunday Sermon 18th Oct 2020
OCT 18 MATT 22:15-33 CCM The Pharisees don’t have a very good reputation as far as most of us are concerned. They always seem to be either in conflict with Jesus or trying to catch him out in some way. But they opposed the Roman occupation of Israel, unlike the sadducees. These groups were actually bitter enemies, but they were united in their opposition to Jesus. They had a foolproof plan: ask Jesus what he thinks about paying taxes to the Roman authorities. If Jesus said pay the taxes, the Pharisees would say that he was opposed to the God of Israel, the only King they recognised. If Jesus said that taxes should not be paid, then he could be handed over to the Romans on a charge of rebellion. The plan could not fail, could it? Jesus is not fooled by their flattery, but he does agree to answer the question. But first, he reframes the issue subtly by asking to see the coin used to pay the tax. The tax the Israelites were forced to pay actually funded their occupation by the Romans...