Sunday Sermon 22nd Nov 2020
Matt 2:1-12 The Epiphany – CCM I can remember a TV advertisement which the hardware store Bunnings showed after Christmas a few years ago. In fact I think it began on Boxing Day. It showed a little man sweeping away all the Christmas decorations and saying something like “Now that Christmas is over for another year…..” The implication being that we should pack away both the decorations and all the good feelings which Christmas engenders, and immediately get back to our normal routines. If that is your thinking, then Christmas must seem like a great deal of effort just for 24 hours. And I believe that the hot cross buns are already in the shops in anticipation of Easter. For Christians, the celebrations of Christmas go on, and today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the arrival of the wise men, and the giving of the gifts to the baby Jesus. We know very little about these men –perhaps they were kings. It’s possible that they were Zoroastrian astrologers, and it ...