Sunday Sermon 31st Jan 2021
Mark 1: 21-28 From our first reading this morning, we learn that the people of Israel are familiar with the role of prophets. Moses promises the people that God will raise up prophets for them in the future, and they will know if the prophet is really from God when they see what the prophet does. If someone prophesies contrary to God’s word or if the prophecy doesn’t happen, then they will know that this is a false prophet. They will recognise God’s prophets by their actions, and by the fruit they produce. The prophets led Israel for over two hundred years, until Saul was proclaimed king by Samuel at the insistence of the people. You see, the nation of Israel demanded a king so that they could be like other nations, forgetting that they were God’s people and God had set them apart. And even during the reign of their kings, there were still God’s prophets who shared God’s message with them. None of the many prophets of Israel could perform the ministry which Jesus performed. None o...