Sunday Sermon 11th April 2021
John 20: 19 ccm When people ask me what are my favourite Bible passages, I have to say John chapter 20 is right up there. John 20 is the chapter I go to when I need to be reminded of Jesus, the passage I go to when I need to be comforted, and the passage which made the confusing business of faith come together for me. I can remember being asked to prove the existence of God, by someone who was determined to prove that God couldn’t possible exist – it just wasn’t logical, it wasn’t rational and there was no scientific evidence. My defence was to read to him John chapter 20. Because John 20 is the story of how very vulnerable, confused and emotional people came to a real relationship with the resurrected Jesus and to experience their own personal Easter resurrection. It is my story and I suspect it is the same for many of you here this morning. It is the story of Mary Magdalene, of some bewildered disciples, and of Thomas, the disciple who couldn’t believe his friends. This is the s...