Sunday Sermon 27th June 2021
MARK 5:21-43 I am sure you are by now used to hearing about my favourite stories in the Gospels: today we have another one: I love the stories of the woman with the issue of blood, and Jairus the desperate father, because it speaks of people who have tried everything and now have nowhere else to turn, and it speaks of Jesus power. We can really sympathise both with Jairus and the sick woman with the haemorrhage; these people are hanging on to life by a thread. And they both teach us about how to approach God. It is also written in a favourite technique of Mark’s Gospel: he begins to tell one story, then inserts another story and then resumes his original story. So we have Jairus and his sick daughter, then we switch to the woman with the haemorrhage, and then we switch back to Jairus and his daughter. To Biblical scholars, this is known as a Markan sandwich: a story within a story. In Mark’s Gospel, we read about Jesus healing Peter’s mother in law, a paralyzed man saved by...