Sunday Sermon 31st May 2020
Pentecost John 20 CCM Today we celebrate the Day of Pentecost, which marks the end of the Easter period in the church. Pentecost is the Jewish festival called “the feast of weeks”, originally marking the end of the grain harvest. Easter has been leading up to today’s service – today we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church. It was the Holy Spirit which enabled Peter and the other disciples to stand up and to declare their faith. Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 is all action – fire and energy and dynamic. But in John, Pentecost is about gentleness and peace. In the few short verses of today’s Gospel, Jesus gave his believers two precious gifts: the Holy Spirit and his peace. The Holy Spirit can be a difficult concept for us to understand. We understand God the Father, Jesus the Son, but what is the Holy Spirit? I was ordained a priest during the feast of Pentecost, and was charged by the Archbishop to go out and preach, to teach and to minister in th...