Sunday Sermon 24th May 2020

Ascension Day 2020 CCM

Today’s Gospel is only 4 verses long: it’s short and sweet, but it really is the crux of what our faith is about.

The women who saw the resurrected Jesus have found the disciples and given them the news that they are to go to Galilee and they will see Jesus.  At the same time, the religious leaders were plotting how to cover up the resurrection of Jesus.  Their idea was to bribe the guards who were outside the tomb to say that the disciples came and stole Jesus body whilst they were sleeping.  And that is still a belief amongst some Jewish people.

There are still only two choices when it comes to the death, the resurrection and the ascension into heaven of Jesus: to believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that he rose from the dead.  Or to try and ignore, deny or explain away what happened as a lie. We believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and even if we don’t understand what and how it all happened, that’s okay.  God never refuses honest doubts and questions, and God never has doubts about us.

By his authority, Jesus has given all disciples in every age to make more disciples by preaching, teaching and baptizing.  It is not an option for us – we have received the great commission because we call Jesus, Lord.

That is the ministry which we all share.  It doesn’t mean that we have to go and stand on a street correct and ask people if they are saved:  it is by our words and our actions that people can see what the Good news of Jesus is all about. 

If that leaves us wondering if we have it in us to be able to preach the good news, the best of it is that we do not do it alone.  Remember Jesus words: “And be sure of this:  I am with you even to the end of the age”.  Jesus remains with us through the presence of the Holy Spirit, who will give us the strength to live out the great commission



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